This awareness course will provide an overview of the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
Understanding the requirements of a standard can be a daunting task, particularly if you are new to Environmental Management Systems.
ISO 14001:2015 places emphasis on the involvement of leaders and managers in the planning and operation of environmental systems, so there is no better time to participate in ISO 14001:2015 Awareness Training.
This course is delivered in modules and is designed in a simplistic fashion so that you can gain the necessary knowledge of ISO 14001:2015. Whether you are new to environmental management systems or if you need to gain more awareness of ISO 14001:2015; this course will be of great benefit to you. It will provide you an insight into the standard.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will understand:
- The definition of a Environmental Management System
- The 5 Environmental Management Principles that provide the foundation for ISO 14001:2015
- Examined the 4 Environmental Management concepts – Risk Based Thinking, Process Approach, PDCA, and Lifecycle Approach
- An understanding of clauses 4-10 in the standard including:
- Context of the Organisation
- The roles and responsibilities of Leadership and Environment Policy
- Planning to address Risks and Opportunities, Environmental Objectives and how to achieve them
- Support, resources, competence, awareness, communication and documented information
- Operations and the control of non-conforming outputs
- Performance Evaluation
- The Organisations Plans for continual improvement
Who is this course for?
- New employees to your organisation
- Individuals that are new to ISO 14001:2015
- Senior Managers
- Environmental Managers
Who is this course for?
This particular course consists of 11 number video lessons organised into one module. Each video is approximately 5 to 9 minutes in length. At the end of each video lesson there is a quiz that will test your knowledge of the material.
A transcript is available for each lesson so you can real along with the video or download and print to study later. This course is completely self-paced. Watch and study when and wherever you want.
The module breakdown for this course is as follows:
- Introduction to ISO14001 2015
- Environmental Management Principles
- Environmental Management Core Concepts – Risk Based Thinking, Process Approach, PDCA, Lifecycle
- Risk Based Thinking and PDCA
- Clause 4 Context of the Organisation
- Clause 4 Context of the Organisation Continued
- Clause 5 Leadership
- Clause 6 Planning
- Clause 7 Support
- Clause 8 Operations
- Clause 9 Performance Evaluation
- Clause 10 Improvement
On successful completion of this course all students will be awarded a Certificate of
Completion. This certificate confirms you have completed all the video lessons for
every module and fully met all the requirements of the course.
To achieve this award all the assessment quizzes for each lesson must be passed. The pass grade for each quiz is 80%.You can retake lesson quizzes as often as you like.
The Assessment Method
There’s a quiz at the end of each lesson to test your understanding of the material. To successfully complete this course, you must pass the quiz for each lesson. Once all the lessons have been completed, you can then download and print the People & Process completion certificate.
So let’s get started! In the next lesson entitled “The Need for Good Food Hygiene “, we will look at the requirement for good hygiene practices and how these are implemented.